Aqua Force - part 6

It would be about time, around issue #75, to start a two-year long saga that would lead to the "senses-shattering climax of the greatest aquatic epic of all time"! A 24-issue lead-in into the "seven last days of the Aqua Force" (as you know it, anyway! Why? Because... all good things have to come to an end...! Also because this entire Aqua Force business spun out of an idea I had in mind to affect the entire DCU by focusing on my childhood favorite, Aquaman... This was not to be through an "underwater legion of super-heroes" but actually via another crisis... Yeah, I know - "another Crisis" you'll say... Not "another Crisis" nor an "umpteenth crisis"...! For this one was not going to be an Identity Crisis (...) nor was it going to be a so-called Infinite Crisis... (What's the next one on your agenda, DC? A Disappointing Crisis - in the eye of the Illuminati! A New Age American Crisis, for the sicko times that we all live in! A Sea Crisis - `nuff said, I do believe... And a"Mid-life Crisis" - for the Uber-Bat? *LOL* That one will sell, DC... yes! Do it!) - no, I had simply decided to merely call it "THE ULTIMATE CRISIS". (Yes, as Ric Flair once said - Lord, it is hard to be humble!)
Ultimate - for that, too, has to end! (That being the DCU!) Ultimate - way before Marvel came up with its own Ultimates too! But that is another story... Truth to tell, the word crisis has been over-used by DC (as "ultimate" is now, by their competitor)... And they ripped it off, of course, from classic literature! Thomas Paine's The American Crisis, Supernumerary Crisis and The Crisis Extraordinary had already made extensive commercial use of the appealing (for alarming and thus exciting) word. DC, one could say, never invented anything - not even the super-hero! Heroes that accomplish amazing feats go as far back as Gilgamesh... (What DC and Marvel might have invented is the bizarre urban-dwelling do-gooder who is half-menace to society's order (because of his vigilantism) and half-gay "icon" for his tights-wearing...! And THAT is NOTHING to be proud about, quite frankly! But that is, admittedly, another story entirely and I should not be caught digressing here at this time...)
The idea of an underwater Justice League grew on me though - quite obviously! And the mere prelude to the "Ultimate Crisis" became the bigger saga of the two... Amazing how the creative process gains a life of its own sometimes... hmm? Anyway... DC did a mockery of my concept with their one-shot Justice League of Atlantis... NOT EVEN CLOSE to my saga! How could it be - since it was but one chapter of a misguided tale that had each of the Big Seven "nearly mythological" members of the original JLA creating their own version of the League... THIS project of mine was clearly more than just that! It has scope - it has vision! It has an actual story to tell!

I had planned to kill off the insufferable tadpole then too. (And even a few of my own creations - but that is another story - again!) Yes - the ingrate named Garth aka Aqualad aka the Temp-pest! I would have had him go through a name-change first... But no costume change for him! Nah! Why bother? It was going to be a question of mocking the cloning of Aquaman by Marvel - into the Squadron Supreme's Amphibion! Aqualad was going to side with Ocean Master (!) and choose to say that his "A" belt buckle would stand for "Amphibian" henceforth! And then, after the betrayal, would come repentance and some mild form of redemption as he would die in battle trying to turn the tide for the good side again...! Not such bad treatment for a character that I don't even like! Hmm?

All this to lead into... The Final Battle For Atlantis!
See you in thirty (as classic comic-book captions would read, on the bottom of the very last page - usually the letters page! Of course it meant thirty days, as most books were monthlies. Here it must mean thirty seconds - you may make it a LONGER break still before reading "part 7" - but read it you will! You've come so far... Right? Gotta know how it ends! Or will you? *lol*)
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