Aqua Force - part 7
All characters used here are, for the most part, TM and copyrighted to DC Comics Inc.
The saga is nearing its epic climax - every saga needs its resolution! Or a sense of resolution... The image that best exemplifies what I had and still have -obviously- in mind for the climax to the Aqua Force saga is this...

Aren't comic-books (aka sequential art) a visual medium... hmm? One where an image (Image...?) speaks volumes and is almost literally worth a thousand words... hmm?!?

All right then - here's this much: the final showdown would center on the thematic of "two brothers must always fight for Atlantis" - AQUAMAN would be present but fighting another adversary (none of the usual suspects - no - one of my own, tailor-made for this moment...!) while the two brothers would have to be his sons: the other-dimensional Arthur and the northern-exposed Koryak! Corona would intervene on her son's behalf - so would Naiad and the other elementals. Mera would have the Lady of the Lake by her side (sort of a female version of Arthur & Merlin, merged together) along with what is left of the Force and, surprisingly, Thanatos! He was Arthur's step-dad after all - wasn't he? No reunion atmosphere for that unholy union though; Mera loathes Thanatos - THANK GOD. (She's not a necrophilitic queen, no - your drowned loved ones lost at sea are safe with my favorites here! And so are mine.)
Atlan would choose then which grandson he prefers... Indigo (aka Deep Blue) which nephew she prefers... And Rodunn, which "little master" he prefers?
You get the picture... ;)
AQUAMAN though would have the fight of his life with the murderer of several members of his team - and no, it ain't Quisp (Qwsp?)...!!!
Piranha Man is not, ah, available for comment either...!
As Stan Lee -this time- would say... "nuff said"!
Time to take a bow, dream aqua cast of characters ~ please!

Tuatara, Mera, Aquaman, Tsunami, Lagoon Boy (!) and Dolphin are but a few of the many characters that I wanted to depict here as the legends of the sea that they could have always been, since day one (within the confines of the sequential art medium, granted - there are no Cousteaus and no Venuses of Botticelli here!) - a Chanson de Roland for the comic-book aficionados... a Lusiadas for the super-hero genre! The Odyssey, The Iliad, The Argonauts... ALL rolled into ONE!

Ahh... If only I could've worked into this ABSOLUTELY ALL OF THE MARINE CHARACTERS THAT I HAVE AFFECTIONATED THROUGHOUT THE YEARS... *lol* But THAT would've been excessive I suppose...! Popeye can always crossover with Gilligan somewhere else, on the internet seas... Sinbad will probably meet up with Odysseus there too... (Hey, if Samson met Hercules and Machiste, surely the former is possible too - in the seas of time!)
No Seaguy needs apply though - sorry, Grant Morrison! ;)
We've had our curtain call ~ roll the credits now! ;)
It's a wrap!
Labels: Aqua Finale
Force is all-conquering, but its victories are short-lived.
- Abraham Lincoln
This saga would then have been doomed from the start...?
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