Saturday, October 26, 2019

Aqua Anna's Taking Over

Alrighty now - Luminous Luciano is not feeling himself lately; all that Taiji rage is still in him, hatred for humanity for what it does to the oceans and all of its denizens, loathsomeness (?) and nothing more than that for all of those that are heartlessly, foolishly pillaging the seas - emptying them of all of its teeming life, according to many (not just Luminous Luciano!)
Under this optic, there really is nothing that can be deemed "aqua-musing" anymore. 
Luminous Luciano better not update this blog anytime soon, therefore! 
Leave it to me, Lootch; and you will see a rainbow come out of this pond once again; it might be the LGBTQ rainbow, though - I know, not your cup of tea... But hey - you tolerate the lesbians far better as a straight guy than I tolerate the gay/bi guys as a homosexual woman... so!!! 

First off, something you would blog about: 

 Blunt wants to be Aquaman! 
Even going as far as proving, in photo/promo session, 
that he is equally at ease in the water 
as he is on land - by the water! See: 

And isn't it a good time now, 
in the present chaotic conjuncture for both climate 
and political tensions tied and not tied into it, 
to revisit the Blunt repertoire that I KNOW 
to be so dear to you, dear Luminous Luciano...! 
Maybe it will help... even? 
Let's try: 

His new stuff is rife with... the same kind of stuff, really. 
Hear for yourself now: 

Your kind of stuff, Luminous Luciano!!! 

But the question remains... 
no matter who claims to "have it" - 
what is, really, "The Truth"...? 
Is there only one Truth? 
Or are there many, intertwined... 
Can there be as many truths 
as there are... souls, in the universe? 
(And we're not getting into the possibility 
or a multiverse, with multiple 
alternate realities... NO!) 
The one universe we know is already plenty enough 
- with all the voices it contains, dead or alive, 
most of them never to be heard, really... 

I believe in simple things, see: 
I believe in LOVE... 
Things that we can do, no matter how small, 
that add up in bettering the world around us. 
Those whose lives were too short 
contributed what they could while they were here 
and continue to inspire, some, from beyond. 
Just their sheer memory suffices, really. 
We make mistakes - we all do. 
But we make amends - most of us, anyway. 
There is little that we can do once things 
get to a certain scale - like cosmic 
or purely planetary, if indeed the damage done 
to our planet is already irreversible. 
But we will adapt. 
We will make it through. 
The human race will. 
And we, as individuals, surely will; 
our souls never die. 
We go back to the cosmos, 
where we came from. 

You and I believe that, 
Luminous Luciano; 
it is what we have in common... 

That - and lesbians! 

Oh - and an obsession (very much connected, too) 
with mermaids... 

Namasté, Luminous! 

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Blogger Luminous (\ô/) Luciano™ said...

Ohh... puhleeeeeeze, ANNA...!!!

Spare me the bogus "at peace with the universe" ACT... PLEASE!!!

You know, (better than anyone else out there, I do believe!) how rotten things really are right now... out there, in the REAL world!

You, as a lesbian, are constantly ostracized, talked about behind your back... and, sometimes, in your face too. Injustices are numerous, constant and going unpunished EVERYWHERE... And you know it! You know it damn well...

I only have affinities with you on the very surface of things - you and I like the same basic things... And both of us can gush equally at the esthetics of some of those sapphic poses struck by your girlfriends there - real and imaginary. THAT IS THE EXTENT OF IT.

It really is all on the SURFACE and, therefore, I am starting to think that AQUA MUSINGS is truly *not* the blog for us to collaborate on...!!!

You seem quite aloof about all the awful things going on - and strictly and entirely focused on the frivolities of life.

And as we both mature in life as in perspective -supposedly- it is quite disappointing, to say the least!

You have got your own AQUA BLOGS - don't you?

Take a swim in those...

Douse yourself there...

Don't "namaste" me on this one!


2:56 PM  
Blogger Luminous (\ô/) Luciano™ said...


you did resist temptation (and I know it was great!) to share on here all of those fan fics about the (very fictional) Atlantean sea queen Mera's tumultuous affair with (equally fictional - and worse off for it, considering her genesis!) Wonder Woman" Diana of Themyscira...

at least that!

But that obsession of yours with "AVA-Lance"is getting tiresome... Enough!


3:03 PM  

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~My Mer-name is Glaucus Bioluminescence. Wow ~ even the Mer~folk agree that I am luminous! ~They identify me with a minor sea~deity though: Glaukos has nothing to do with glaucoma, at least ~~~ (thank God! The REAL GOD!) ~~~~ Oh... no; Glaukos gave its color to glaucoma... :( ~~ well, says they! ~~~~~~~~ Aegir, Poseidon, Triton and scores of others are more powerful than him, anyway... so there! Everything will be fine! The Aquaficionadas are on my side! :)
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  2. ATLANTIS EVOLUTION (E3 2K4 TRAILER) (Game Trailers)
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  11. PRAY FOR THE FISH (Randy Travis)
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  22. GREAT OCEAN (Dan Dyer)
  23. OCEANIA (Bjork)
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  26. 1,000 OCEANS (Tori Amos)
  27. SAIL THOSE SAME OCEANS (Russell Crowe And 30 Odd Foot Of Grunts)
  28. OCEANO (LIVE) (Josh Groban)
  29. YOU'RE AN OCEAN (Fastball)
  30. AQUANOX 2: REVELATION (E3 2K3 TRAILER) (Game Trailers)
  32. SUPER RAD (The Aquabats)
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... An LP Anthem to the end of a childhood dream...? By LP...
... and assorted aquatic tunes for your listening pleasure... (l.p.)...!
But now, for your reading pleasure... ISSUU - brought to you by... an Aquaficionada!

Look, below, on this luminous aqua-map:
PROOF that the Earth is indeed 70% SEA WATER!
Weep, batty ones! ;)

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