Gory ol' broad Jessica Chobot (Showboat?) -one of your all-time favorites, eh, AA- was kind enough to report on this: scuba-diving in your favorite lake... (Bonus: a back-up plan/substitution in frozen Minnesota!) Enjoy...
Oops - my bad: video went AWOL -never trust FB; NEVER- and I couldn't find it again; not right away anyway! (Found the interesting -if odd- pairing of AQUAMAN & ROBIN though; check it out, on the screen above!) Let's give it another shot though:
Yeah - she is, unquestionably, your kind of lady... A.A.!
ANYWAY... let's MOVE ON...!
All the usual costume suggestions for the eerie, ooky season follow now - all in the theme of AQUA...
~My Mer-name is Glaucus Bioluminescence. Wow ~ even the Mer~folk agree that I am luminous! ~They identify me with a minor sea~deity though: Glaukos has nothing to do with glaucoma, at least ~~~ (thank God! The REAL GOD!) ~~~~ Oh... no; Glaukos gave its color to glaucoma... :( ~~ well, says they! ~~~~~~~~ Aegir, Poseidon, Triton and scores of others are more powerful than him, anyway... so there! Everything will be fine! The Aquaficionadas are on my side! :) ~ Take The Merfolk Name Generator Test anyway! ~ Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator.
... An LP Anthem to the end of a childhood dream...? By LP...
... and assorted aquatic tunes for your listening pleasure... (l.p.)...!
But now, for your reading pleasure... ISSUU - brought to you by... an Aquaficionada!
Look, below, on this luminous aqua-map: PROOF that the Earth is indeed 70% SEA WATER! Weep, batty ones! ;)
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