Mera would never be caught
"hugging" such a frail,
tiny, all-around
improbable creature
as this "winged seahorse"
(a fairy seahorse?)
for Mera,
Queen of the Seven Seas,
has MUCH more
common sense
than that!
She cares deeply for
the welfare of all sealife -
she doesn't want to
smother it out of
existence -
with misguided
displays of affection!
An all-around
odd and poor
use of unbound
The copyright owners
of Mera and her spouse's
trademarked name,
though, are guilty of the
exact opposite thing;
a severe LACK of
But that is another story...

?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla
~My Mer-name is Glaucus Bioluminescence. Wow ~ even the Mer~folk agree that I am luminous! ~They identify me with a minor sea~deity though: Glaukos has nothing to do with glaucoma, at least ~~~ (thank God! The REAL GOD!) ~~~~ Oh... no; Glaukos gave its color to glaucoma... :( ~~ well, says they! ~~~~~~~~ Aegir, Poseidon, Triton and scores of others are more powerful than him, anyway... so there! Everything will be fine! The Aquaficionadas are on my side! :)
~ Take The Merfolk Name Generator Test anyway!
~ Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator.
... An LP Anthem to the end of a childhood dream...? By LP...
... and assorted aquatic tunes for your listening pleasure... (l.p.)...!
But now, for your reading pleasure... ISSUU - brought to you by... an Aquaficionada!
Look, below, on this luminous aqua-map:
PROOF that the Earth is indeed 70% SEA WATER!
Weep, batty ones! ;)

Create your own visitor map!
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