We seem to have misplaced the hyperlink we so wanted to share here, on aquamusings, about some sea creature truly out-of-the-norm... No April's Fool joke, no, aqua aficionados and aquaficionadas - not at all...! It truly was something amazing and 100% real, documented... certified! But we cannot find it anymore. Oh well... Might as well leave it to ANN, our resident researcher and aqua news specialist of all things aquatic, to ferret it out and find it for us... maybe?
(Note to self: never again rely on social media for back-up!)
Take it away, ANN...! ~~~ Luminous (\ô/) Luciano
Aww... thank you so much... minnow! The Aqua News Network is therefore back on here - and we sure have got plenty of news for you indeed (and limited bandwidth to spare for it, so...) LET'S GET RIGHT TO IT... And we will begin by trying to fish out that mysterious creature of the deep for you, Luminous Luciano... Let's just run a basic Google search rightnow:
Drone films monstrous bio-hazardous sea creature on the British coast ... as big a double-decker bus, reveals the size of the 35ft long creature. ... MAMA June has unveiled her new appearance since dropping ten dress sizes.
Hmm, that last one might be it, if we go by your so-very strict criteria of predilection here...!
Hope it is... Now onwards to the stories *we* want to cover here!
Call this one... ANN`s Commentary!
Surface-dwellers such as the big corporations that employ us are the root cause of the devastating effect that we have been noticing more and more on the whole planet - that nobody can deny, not even one whose favorite color is orange (no, not Aquaman!)
It is not a hoax: climate change is affecting everything and it is very, very real - terrifyingly real. Beyond all the chaos that it is causing with the weather patterns on the surface of the globe, our activities are wreaking havoc with the oceans on all levels. Fisheries are projected to be down because of it; the entire planet will suffer the consequences though, in a myriad of ways... An important series of reports on the dire situation - the, heretofore, AQUAPOCALYPSE as we coined the term before, right here on aquamusings- follows right now, embedded for your convenience...
Yes. it looks bleak - but aqua aficionados & aquaficionadas all around the world can still act all nonchalant, aloof and non-concerned about it all - for now... as long as they can still access their beaches... their resorts... feast on sea food to their heart`s content... gorge themselves of the beauty of the sea while scuba-diving... snorkeling... deep sea diving... ``duck diving``... maybe even free diving, if you`re slightly the reckless Atlantean-wannabe type...
All of this remains possible right now -
and it most certainly will for years to come, too...
But it is bound to change radically in 100,
or even 50 years` time...
What kind of planet will we leave our descendants?
Does anybody care?
The question often asked is...
``can we do anything about it``
Every little thing we do to help can lead to change -
however it is very obvious that for a problem of this magnitude,
nothing short of a major intervention
coupled with a new stance, a new direction,
a new way of managing this most precious of resources
- the sea, and all that it brings us -
has to be hoped for...
We have got to convince our leaders
to have great foresight
and stop having this short-sighted focus
on immediate profit
in the here and now.
We cannot hope for a miracle.
There is no sea savior
capable of undoing all those years of
laissez-faire... and heavy duty pollution.
Verily, it is amazing that we can still
consume so many products of the sea -
when they are all contaminated now,
to various degrees, by our very own fault.
But no - we have no savior for this dire situation we`re in
and no simple solution that can right all the wrongs.
A savior the likes of AQUAMAN has had this problem
even more blatantly than any other
make-believe hero ever wished for:
his tales can only reflect the reality we live in,
in order to be relatable, honest and true.
To exploit all of the character`s potential
one would have to write about
an alternate dimension, another world
where things are vastly different...
Where, first of all, he exists
(he or a variety of variants upon his person)
and, secondly, where he is able to
make all the difference that he can make -
stopping sea pollution and suppressing
its perpetrators - most violently!
Twisting arms (and necks)
and getting world leaders
to stop plundering the planet as they do.
More than ever before,
we have to go from this tone...
to this one:
Alas, you see, AQUAMAN was never able to do any of this -
just as SUPERMAN never stopped world hunger.
Or Batman... hmm... what could he really do,
really - if he existed for real?
Catch the odd petty thief, like Catwoman?
Not even that...
would never get her message
of ``peace, not war`` across -
not as an Amazon warrior,
she would not!
Avengers? They just want to avenge it once it`s gone
~My Mer-name is Glaucus Bioluminescence. Wow ~ even the Mer~folk agree that I am luminous! ~They identify me with a minor sea~deity though: Glaukos has nothing to do with glaucoma, at least ~~~ (thank God! The REAL GOD!) ~~~~ Oh... no; Glaukos gave its color to glaucoma... :( ~~ well, says they! ~~~~~~~~ Aegir, Poseidon, Triton and scores of others are more powerful than him, anyway... so there! Everything will be fine! The Aquaficionadas are on my side! :) ~ Take The Merfolk Name Generator Test anyway! ~ Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator.
... An LP Anthem to the end of a childhood dream...? By LP...
... and assorted aquatic tunes for your listening pleasure... (l.p.)...!
But now, for your reading pleasure... ISSUU - brought to you by... an Aquaficionada!
Look, below, on this luminous aqua-map: PROOF that the Earth is indeed 70% SEA WATER! Weep, batty ones! ;)