Alrighty now - Luminous Luciano is not feeling himself lately; all that Taiji rage is still in him, hatred for humanity for what it does to the oceans and all of its denizens, loathsomeness (?) and nothing more than that for all of those that are heartlessly, foolishly pillaging the seas - emptying them of all of its teeming life, according to many (not just Luminous Luciano!)
Under this optic, there really is nothing that can be deemed "aqua-musing" anymore.
Luminous Luciano better not update this blog anytime soon, therefore!
Leave it to me, Lootch; and you will see a rainbow come out of this pond once again; it might be the LGBTQ rainbow, though - I know, not your cup of tea... But hey - you tolerate the lesbians far better as a straight guy than I tolerate the gay/bi guys as a homosexual woman... so!!!
First off, something you would blog about:
Blunt wants to be Aquaman!
Even going as far as proving, in photo/promo session,
that he is equally at ease in the water
as he is on land - by the water! See:
And isn't it a good time now,
in the present chaotic conjuncture for both climate
and political tensions tied and not tied into it,
to revisit the Blunt repertoire that I KNOW
to be so dear to you, dear Luminous Luciano...!
Maybe it will help... even?
Let's try:
His new stuff is rife with... the same kind of stuff, really.
~My Mer-name is Glaucus Bioluminescence. Wow ~ even the Mer~folk agree that I am luminous! ~They identify me with a minor sea~deity though: Glaukos has nothing to do with glaucoma, at least ~~~ (thank God! The REAL GOD!) ~~~~ Oh... no; Glaukos gave its color to glaucoma... :( ~~ well, says they! ~~~~~~~~ Aegir, Poseidon, Triton and scores of others are more powerful than him, anyway... so there! Everything will be fine! The Aquaficionadas are on my side! :) ~ Take The Merfolk Name Generator Test anyway! ~ Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator.
... An LP Anthem to the end of a childhood dream...? By LP...
... and assorted aquatic tunes for your listening pleasure... (l.p.)...!
But now, for your reading pleasure... ISSUU - brought to you by... an Aquaficionada!
Look, below, on this luminous aqua-map: PROOF that the Earth is indeed 70% SEA WATER! Weep, batty ones! ;)